Out of the two, it's career suicide to focus solely on Windows.Net Core has a longer shelf life and you can remain marketable if you know. Net developers are moving toward Node for resume reasons. Net Core getting much adoption for greenfield projects unless their developers are already. I hate the trend as much as anyone, but, I don't see. Net as a development platform (I do), it makes no sense to deploy to Windows if you don't have to. I can't imagine why anyone starting a project today would tie themselves to Windows.

Every time I have to use anything Windows based, especially in the cloud, it's a double hit - the same compute resources cost more because of licensing and you need more resources to run Windows. Windows -> Linux: Using Windows on the server is a dead end. can save the created PDF document to a file, a stream or in a memory buffer. One trend is moving faster than the other. EVO PDF Tools, With EVO PDF Toolkit you can easily create PDF documents. There are two separate trends with the direction that the industry is going.